The work and process around the Transparency Act is firmly rooted in our management and our board. We have routines for approval and regular follow-up and audits of our suppliers.  Where among others all suppliers of fish and transport must sign our Supplier Code of Conduct before trade can take place. The ethical guidelines, which all our partners must follow, take into account all the principles from the UN Global Compact's guidelines for human rights.

As Seaborn orders transportation of goods, we are also responsible for informing and ensuring that drivers who drive for Seaborn have generalise wages and working conditions in accordance with regulations on information and duty of care for clients. In addition, we have implemented warning routines in line with §2A of the Working Environment Act.

Due diligence assessment is a process to map, prevent, limit and account for negative consequences for human rights and decent working conditions of our operations. The due diligence assessment carried out by Seaborn is in accordance with the OECD's model for promoting responsible business, and we have established routines that ensure control and monitoring of our entire value chain.

Illustrasjon: OECDs veileder for aktsomhetsvurderinger for ansvarlig næringsliv

More information is found in our sustainability report and in Report Due Diligence assessment 2022(in Norwegian) (PDF, 4MB).

Please contact us if you would like more information.